Monday, July 1, 2013

Music: Love Will Never Do (Without You)

I have 38 songs on my iPod that start with "Love", 46 if you include variations such as "Lovefool" or "Lovesick". The task of choosing some of my favorite love songs to feature on my blog for this month of Romance wasn't easy. At first I thought I'd narrow it down to my Top 5 but that seemed almost impossible! So, let's try for Top 10 (in no particular order) and let's start now with Ms. Janet (if you're nasty!).

"Love Will Never Do (Without You)" is the seventh single off of Janet Jackson's fourth studio album, Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation 1814. Seventh single! Remember when music was so good that albums actually had that many singles? It seems Jackson saved the best for last since this was the final single from that career defining album. The final single...over three years! Making Rhythm Nation the only album in history to produce number one hits on the Billboard Hot 100 in three seperate calendar years.

This isn't an obvious choice for most people when thinking about their favorite love songs. But, I will definitley not be giving you a list of first dance songs for your wedding. I love this song because of it's complications. Jackson sings about opposites attracting and "falling in and out of love" and how the bond she sings of stands the test of time. Despite all of the issues this relationship she sings about has, she can't imagine love (Without You).

AND probaly one of my favorite sidenotes in music is that this song was originally planned to be a duet, with possibly Prince. During the recording of the first verse producer Jimmy Jam told Jackson to "sing it low like some guy would sing it". The duet never happened (physically) but the high and low of Jackson's voice throughout the song makes it a sort of Janet Jackson featuring Janet Jackson duet that I love.

The video was directed by the legendary Herb Ritts and features cameos by Antonio Sabato Jr. and Djimon Hounsou. Jackson appears in ripped up jeans and a simple black tank and it's black and white simplicity just enhances what an amazing song it is.

Unfortunately the video is not on YouTube. So I only have the song for you (below). But you can check it out on Vimeo by clicking here!

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