Thursday, July 25, 2013

Music: Undisclosed Desires

Matthew Bellamy of Muse wrote "Undisclosed Desires" for their fifth studio album, The Resistance. He describes it as "quite a personal song about me and my girlfriend".

Indeed I would describe the lyric content of "Undisclosed Desires" as pretty raw and almost devouring in it's intensity. Think Nine Inch Nails' "Closer" but romantic.

Lyrics like "I want to reconcile the violence in your heart" and "I want to exorcise the demons from your past" are delivered over an electric grind and you can feel this intense pressure as if Muse demands you to give in.

They continue with lyrics like "please me, show me how it's done" that seem as if all this occurs over a limitless sexual encounter. It's pretty hot. And I like that love songs can come in all different types of genres and styles. Not just slow and sappy.

As far as the critics were concerned it seemed a departure from their typical musical style. It was penned as a "left over" Timbaland track and compared to Depeche Mode. However, the band stands behind it calling it a highlight from the album and I agree.

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