Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Music: You're My Sunday

Forget the Real Housewives of whatever city, Jessica Simpson is my favorite housewive to have ever appeared on television. Though the infamous Newlyweds didn't live happily ever after, everything happens for a reason in life. And if it hadn't had happened the way it did we might not have ever been given this song!

Do You Know is the sixth studio album from Simpson. It was her first attempt to cross over into the country music genre. I know what you're thinking, country? Heartbreak and twang, my dog died and so now I'm drunk on whiskey. No, this isn't that kind of country. Think of it as Simpson embracing a piece of the very core of who she is.

Simpson was brought up around country music in her homestate of Texas and wanted the album to be a gift, a way of giving something back to her roots. It's this southern charm that captured us on Newlyweds, where despite the chaos of a marriage in the public eye you saw a relationship just as simple as the kind we all have or want to have.

"You're My Sunday" was never released as an official single from the album. It's the highlight of all twelve tracks in my opinion. What's it all about? Well Romance of course (fitting with my theme for July), but I'll let Simpson explain.

"It's just a song about how sometimes in love, when our world is hectic and chaotic and people are throwing all different kinds of things at us, there's always that someone that can take it away from you and make it feel relaxing somehow. And so that's why I wrote it."

No official video for you but I do have the song. AND I'm publishing this post on Simpson's birthday! So Happy Birthday to her and thanks for giving us this song!

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